50 NYU Law Students Can Access LAP’s Database for Free, Thanks to Another Donation from Mosaic Search Partners
Thanks to another generous donation by Mosaic Search Partners, the next 50 NYU Law students who register for LAP’s Clerkships Database can access the platform for free this year.
Want To Support Law Students At Your Alma Mater? Donate to LAP’s Clerkships Database Student Fund.
One of the most direct ways to support law students applying for clerkships, as well as judicial externships, at your law school alma mater is to cover the Clerkships Database subscription cost for students this year.
All UChicago Law Students Can Access LAP’s Database for Free, Thanks to A Generous Alumni Donation
Thanks to a generous alumni donation from Sarah Cottrell (‘08), all UChicago Law students can access LAP’s Clerkships Database for free this year.
50 Vanderbilt Law School Students Can Access LAP’s Database for Free, Thanks to A Generous Alumni Donation
Thanks to a generous alumni donation from LAP advisory board member Ramon J. Ryan (VLS ‘21), 50 Vanderbilt Law students can access LAP’s Clerkships Database for free this year.
50 Harvard Law School Students Can Access LAP’s Database for Free, Thanks to A Generous Donation
Thanks to a generous donation from Mosaic Search Partners, 50 Harvard Law School students can access LAP’s Clerkships Database for free this year.
Thanks to Generous Alumni Donation, 50 Columbia Law School Students Can Access LAP’s Database for Free This Year
Thanks to a generous donation from Columbia Law School alumnus Bryson Malcolm (‘20), CLS students can access LAP’s Clerkships Database for free this year.
Thanks to Generous Donation, 77 Yale Law Students Can Access LAP’s Database for Free This Year
Yale Law School cannot prohibit students from accessing LAP’s Clerkships Database, as much as they might like to. And, thanks to a generous donation, students don’t have to pay to access the platform this year, either.
LAP’s President and Founder Aliza Shatzman Wins Above the Law 2024 Lawyer of the Year Award
LAP’s President and Founder Aliza Shatzman was honored to earn the title of Above the Law 2024 Lawyer of the Year.
The Legal Accountability Project Wins Ms. JD Limitless Leadership Award
The Legal Accountability Project is honored to receive the Limitless Leadership Award from Ms. JD in recognition of our pathbreaking work on behalf of women law students and lawyers.
Federal Judiciary’s 2023 Workplace Report Fails to Meet the Moment
At a time when public confidence in the federal courts is low and misconduct is pervasive and unaddressed, the federal judiciary’s 2023 Workplace Report fails to meet the moment. Sweeping reform is urgently necessary to ensure safe judiciary workplaces and accountability for judges who engage in misconduct.
The Legal Accountability Project Takes Home Two Awards at 2024 American Legal Technology Awards
LAP was honored to win two awards at the 2024 American Legal Technology Awards - in the Court and Individual categories - for creating LAP's Centralized Clerkships Database to democratize judicial clerkships.
The Legal Accountability Project Expands Advisory Board
LAP has added nearly a dozen new Advisory Board members as we expand our reach to more courts, law schools, and regions this school year.
Congress Reintroduces Judiciary Accountability Act, Which Will Extend Federal Anti-Discrimination Protections To More Than 30,000 Judiciary Employees
LAP applauds the reintroduction of the Judiciary Accountability Act (JAA), which would finally extend anti-discrimination protections to the federal judiciary.
Following Ruling in Former Federal Public Defender’s Sexual Harassment Case, the Urgency of Sweeping Reform is Clear
Following the ruling in former federal public defender’s sexual harassment case, the urgency of sweeping reform to ensure fair, safe, and respectful judiciary workplaces is clear.
LAP Announces Year 1 Clerkships Database Users By Law School and Encourages More Schools to Participate
LAP shares its Year 1 Clerkships Database numbers by law school user base and urges more schools to subscribe during the 2024-25 school year.
Recent Report Highlights Flaws in Internal Federal Judiciary Dispute Resolution Processes and Need for Reform
Following the Federal Judicial Center/National Academy of Public Administration Report highlighting flaws in federal judiciary internal dispute resolution processes, LAP urges the federal judiciary to implement sweeping reform.
LAP Announces Summer Waitlist and Revised Pricing for Centralized Clerkships Database
LAP announces summer waitlist for Clerkships Database and revised pricing for the 2024-25 school year.
LAP Calls for Sweeping Reform and Real Accountability Following Resignation of Joshua Kindred
Following the resignation of former Alaska federal judge Joshua Kindred, LAP calls for sweeping reform and real accountability.
The Legal Accountability Project Celebrates 2-Year Anniversary
The Legal Accountability Project celebrates two years of improving the judiciary through better clerkships.
The Legal Accountability Project Launches Advisory Board
The Legal Accountability Project is thrilled to introduce our new Advisory Board, a group of judges, law professors, and innovators who help inform our clerkship transparency, equity, and accountability work.