Post-Clerkship Survey
If you thought about clerking when you were in law school, you might remember your law school instructing you to “do your research” about judges before applying. Until now, this research was challenging for students, considering how little information about judges was available and how selectively it was typically shared.
LAP’s Centralized Clerkships Database democratizes information about judges as managers, chambers culture, and clerkship experiences, thereby ensuring clerkship applicants have as much information about judges as possible before making important career decisions about clerking.
The Database is populated with more than 1,300 post-clerkship survey responses by former federal and state law clerks nationwide. This initiative vastly increases the breadth and candor of information available to students considering clerkships, as well as to clerkship advisors assisting students with their applications.
LAP's post-clerkship survey is heavily influenced by what students say they’d like to know before clerking and what clerks say they wish they’d known before clerking. Importantly, LAP’s survey asks the right questions of clerks, intended to elucidate candid information about work environment, chambers culture, expectations for the role, and feedback and mentorship provided. LAP’s survey also incorporated feedback from clerkship directors and deans, judges, and survey experts. The survey asks questions in five categories:
Judge/Court Background Information
Clerkship Interview Experience
Work/Life Balance and Fit
Clerkship Experience
Optional Demographic Information on Clerks
Visit to submit a post-clerkship survey and share your clerkship experience with LAP. Your survey response will be anonymous unless you indicate otherwise. If you completed multiple clerkships, you will be prompted to complete a second (or third) survey upon submission. Using your personal email rather than work email is preferable. Questions about the survey can be directed to Aliza Shatzman at
The Legal Accountability Project demonstrates the multi-step process for completing our post-clerkship survey, including various security features. LAP encourages everyone who completed a post-graduate judicial clerkship to visit to share their clerkship experience.
The Legal Accountability Project demonstrates 3 sample post-clerkship surveys, highlighting the categories of information student database users can expect to find.