The Legal Accountability Project with Aliza Shatzman
LAP’s President and Founder Aliza Shatzman visited The Newfangled Lawyer Podcast to speak with Patrick Patino about how she’s disrupting the status quo and upending the clerkship system in order to correct injustices in the judiciary and legal profession.
Aliza explained that it’s empowering to share her experience, why it’s particularly meaningful to bring her full self to her work each day, and why she wishes more law clerks would speak out forcefully for change. She also underscored that when she speaks with urgency, it’s her own urgency - and frustration - at the modest reforms so far. Law students and law clerks cannot wait another year for desperately needed change. Aliza also provided exciting updates about LAP’s success at democratizing information about judges through LAP’s post-clerkship survey, using innovative email outreach and alumni engagement.